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Soldiers Helping Soldiers - GTA - Les soldats aident les soldats

About the Service

Soldiers Helping Soldiers is a volunteer-based organization expanding across Canada, helping to better the lives of veterans who are homeless or at risk of homelessness by connecting them with service and benefit providers. At a gathering In early 2019, serving and retired members of the Canadian Armed Forces and their civilian colleagues in Toronto, were exposed to the reality of veterans’ homelessness – and to the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of homeless vets in their city. From that audience came people who decided then, and in the weeks that followed, to get involved – as leaders, supporters and enablers.  Today we have a team of volunteers made up of Regular and Reserve Force members, veterans, and civilians who are joining in the Soldiers Helping Soldiers mission. Soldiers Helping Soldiers GTA are engaging now with other partners who are confronting homelessness in Toronto, and aiding veterans amongst them.  Soldiers Helping Soldiers GTA will launch its volunteer activities in November 2019.



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