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The Pepper Pod-Beyond Trauma Retreat Halifax


Ottawa-based The Pepper Pod https://pepperpod.ca/, is offering a session to be delivered here in Nova Scotia. – you’ll see it is open to both serving and veteran women who have experienced sexual trauma. HALIFAX DATE: 18 March 2024! Register Here: https://pepperpod.ca/programs/beyond-trauma/beyond-trauma-registration/ Beyond Trauma is a transformational one-day retreat for women who have experienced sexual trauma. It is offered in a private, safe, and confidential manner facilitated by Sandra Perron, founder of the Pepper Pod. The program is open to women serving in the Canadian Armed Forces as well as women veterans. It provides tools to help participants in healing trauma, building connections and growing relationships. Your group of 6 women will have the opportunity to continue their journey together following the retreat. You’ll celebrate successes, have each other’s back, reduce feelings of isolation and build a community of well-being and support. • Monday, 18 March 2024 • 0900 hrs – 1530 hrs • Offered in English • No cost, all meals and supplies included If you feel like Beyond Trauma is a good fit for you, we welcome you to register. If you have further questions, please contact us at info@pepperpod.ca. The Pepper Pod is grateful to our valued partners. This program is funded by the Department of National Defence’s Sexual Misconduct Support and Resource Centre.


Halifax Halifax Nova Scotia B3M 3P9





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