If you are in crisis call 911 or 988 for mental health emergency support. 

Access 24/7 Psychological support toll-free: 1-800-268-7708 | TDD/TTY: 1-800-567-5803



We are working with Veteran Affairs Canada on a photoshoot and looking for Veterans as well as active service personnel with a diverse range of ages, genders and career backgrounds. We are specifically looking for younger Veterans from equally deserving communities (Black, Indigenous, other people of colour, Women and 2SLGBTQI+). Images from the photo shoot will be used in various communications materials (pamphlets, social media, etc.) to raise awareness about VAC services and benefits. The communications materials will target those Veteran community members who need services, but may not know they are available. The photoshoots will take place soon – March 25 and 26 in the National Capital Region and March 21 and 22 in Halifax, Nova Scotia, and so we are seeking candidates from both regions. Candidates will be financially compensated. To submit for this photoshoot, those interested in participating can send a photo of themselves, a brief summary of their career, as well as experience with VAC to: whitney@houseofcommon.studio


47 Glengarry Rd Ottawa Ontario K1S 0L4





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Is the Veteran Hub making a difference in our community? Your voice really matters.