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A Silent Threat: Recognizing the Invisible Injury - The Effects of Brain Injuries on Veterans’ Mental Health


Veterans’ brain injuries often go unrecognized, undiagnosed, and untreated, yet they play a critical role in mental health. Join us on October 17th @ 10am, either in person or virtually, for A SILENT THREAT: RECOGNIZING THE INVISIBLE INJURY event hosted by Conference of Defence Associations Institute and Concussion Legacy Foundation Canada to learn how brain injuries are impacting Veterans’ well-being. Hear from Dr. Samantha Bureau, PhD, Major General (retired) Denis Thompson, Veteran Shane Nedohin, and Tim Fleiszer. This is a vital conversation and story that you won’t want to miss!


150 Elgin Street, Suite 1800, Ottawa, ON; To access the event virtually: https://tinyurl.com/brain-injuries-veterans Meeting ID: 227 181 699 164 Passcode: RAkqwt Ottawa Ontario K2P 2P8





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